Toxic vs. Healthy Positivity

Being positive is a crucial aspect of living a more fulfilling life, but it’s not just constant, unwavering good vibes all the time. Rather, it’s a mindset that allows you to feel your feels and move on through negativity without being discouraged. Life is not easy, so give yourself some grace.

Toxic positivity is when other people try to dismiss certain emotions by implying that a smile will solve all of your problems. Instead of helping people feel better, it does the opposite. You end up feeling guilty and ashamed for not being happy and putting on a brave face.

ALL of our feelings are valid. Sometimes it gets messy, and you need time to process and heal. That’s ok!!! In fact, that’s a much healthier way to deal with struggles. We don’t want to dwell in the negativity for too long but we need to listen to our bodies and give ourselves time to heal.

Here are some examples of toxic positivity and a better alternative:

  • Don’t be so negative : Your negativity is understandable considering your current situation.

  • You’ll get over it : You are strong and powerful no matter how you show up right now.

  • Someone has it worse than you : I acknowledge how difficult this must be for you.

  • Smile! : Express your emotions however you would like.

Once you are ready, list things that you are grateful for and that bring you joy. This way, you’ve had the chance to process your emotions, then had the opportunity to redirect your focus to positive things in a gentler way.

Be patient, and trust the process.

Lots of love,



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