How to Be Comfortable With Yourself

Being comfortable with yourself is a broad topic that can be a game-changer in being more confident and living a fulfilling life. My self-love journey has been going on for years, and it’s never truly over. You won’t wake up one day and suddenly for the rest of your life you’ll never have any self-doubts or insecurities again; however, it can come much more easily.

I was able to take a risk to start my own business because I trusted myself and was confident in my abilities. Idgaf about what people think about my body, rather I take care of my body to show my love for it. I enjoy time alone and am not uncomfortable or afraid about going to get a coffee and simply enjoying my own company. And it’s amazing! I have so much love for myself, and it makes life so much more enjoyable.

This self-love and self-confidence is still relatively new for me. In high school I just wanted to be skinny, and I was incredibly self-destructive. After I graduated and lived on my own, I was not taking good care of myself at all, mostly because I didn’t know how to. It’s a process, but the key is to nurture your mind, body, and spirit as you would nurture a loved one. The universe came together to create YOU! Embrace that. Recognize how amazing you are. Trust me, being comfortable with yourself will change your life.

But where do you start? Here’s some ways to get more confident in your skin:

  • Take care of yourself: This includes your mind, body, and spirit. Your body and soul will thank you for nurturing it.

  • Spend time alone: Whether in public or at home, practice being alone and with your thoughts. Put your phone away and embrace the time with yourself.

  • Set boundaries with others: Be ok with saying no and protect your energy and time.

  • Recite positive self-affirmations: Make complimenting yourself normal! Your words and thoughts have power.

  • Learn more about yourself: Journal about yourself. What’s your life story? What are your best qualities? How would you want someone to describe you?

  • Embrace self-expression: Get creative and get dancing! Find ways to express yourself without words.

As always, let me know how I can support you on this journey. I am more than happy to help.

Lots of love,



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