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Tap into your unconscious

Iðunn Coaching uses hypnotherapy to help you find the answers you seek and to build self-confidence. Each session is personalized and tailored to your needs, so there are an infinite amount of ways it can be used to your benefit.


Session Overview

 I explain in greater detail about hypnotherapy and answer all of your questions.

We agree on what you would like to work on and the best way to proceed.

You get comfortable, and I walk you through a relaxing meditation to get you into a trance-like state.

We establish a safe space in your mind that you can return to at any point.

I guide you through your personalized hypnotherapy journey.

I bring you out of the trance-like state, and we discuss the insights you gained.

I provide you with any additional support you may need.

What People Are Saying



What is hypnotherapy?

There are many definitions of hypnotherapy out there. How I personally define it is a guided meditation that allows you to tap into your unconscious and make real changes in your life and gain insights you might not have otherwise received.

What is the difference between hypnosis and hypnotherapy?

These words can be used interchangeably; however, I think of hypnotherapy as more purposeful in making life changes for the individual, whereas hypnosis can be used as a party trick.

What is the purpose of hypnotherapy?

There are many ways hypnotherapy can be used for benefit, including overcoming habits, alleviating pain, spiritual purposes, releasing negativity, past life regression, and bringing clarity. Iðunn Coaching uses hypnotherapy primarily to find answers and boost confidence, though I am open to any other goals you may have.

Where can I find out more?

There are lots of resources on the internet about hypnosis, including research studies. I recommend you check out the American Psychological Association’s article on hypnosis. You can also contact me with any questions.

 Ready To Book?

Schedule a hypnotherapy session with Iðunn Coaching.

Pricing is $100.