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Change how you view the world

iPEC’s Energy Leadership Index (ELI) Assessment is a research-backed attitudinal assessment tool that reveals how you perceive the world and how to more consciously and effectively view the world, approach problems, and engage with people.


Energy Leadership

The ELI assessment is an online attitudinal assessment tool that consists of 70 questions to measure how you perceive the world. The results reveal your unique combination of all the seven energy levels which, in turn, creates your typical viewpoints, perceptions, and beliefs about life.

Learning about your energetic makeup can help you to reframe your perspective, shift your consciousness, and increase your energy level as a result.

The Seven Levels of Energy


  • Life Satisfaction Study

    This study validates that people with higher energy accrue a greater sense of life satisfaction.

  • Case Studies

    These 18 case studies provide examples of how beneficial the ELI can be.

  • Core Energy Paper

    This research paper explains how your core energy determines your life potential.


The $400 cost of an ELI debrief includes the price for the assessment itself and the 1.5-hour coaching session going through your results. If you elect to continue with a personalized coaching package afterward, this price will be deducted from the personalized coaching fee.

Want to learn more?

Schedule a free consultation to find out how the ELI can help you achieve your ultimate potential.