The Age of Femininity

I’ve talked about feminine energy previously in my post about Iðunn but it seems right to discuss it again during this week of International Women’s Day. These past couple of years we have started the transition from a masculine energy dominated world to a feminine energy dominated world. This has been evident in movements such as #MeToo, the shameless demand for more women in the workforce, and the countless women who have raised their voices against sexism and injustice. There has also been an energetic shift, further emphasized through COVID-19; people are more open about their emotions, more vulnerable, and compassionate. Creativity is being more and more accepted and encouraged, while traditional 9-5 office jobs in antiquated and conservative environments are being forgone, particularly by the newest generations. You just can’t get away with being sexist, racist, and bigoted the way white men were in the previous century (thank God).

Feminine energy is about creativity, intuition, empathy, transformation, going with the flow, and enjoyment. Masculine energy, on the other hand, is about action, confidence, and moving forward. I want to emphasize the importance of balance in energies. Each individual carries both masculine and feminine energy, as does the collective conscious. When these energies are imbalanced society is not able to heal and evolve fully. We have been in a predominantly masculine energy mindset for thousands of years, and it will take time for these two energies to find balance.

This brings up a similar argument as with the term feminism. I’ve had countless conversations with people who take issue with the emphasis on feminism when considering gender equality rather than a more neutral term that doesn’t put men down. Similarly, you may argue that if we are to find a balance between masculine and feminine energy, we shouldn’t consider this an age of femininity, or else it would become imbalanced in the other direction. I agree that tipping too far over to the side would be counterproductive, however, in order to balance the scales, we must focus more of our energy on femininity. And if I’m being petty, it’s about damn time we women had a chance to shine.

So whatever gender you identify as, we could all benefit from some more feminine energy in our lives in order to right this imbalance. Here are some tips on how to do so:

  • Practice introspection.

  • Be empathetic and compassionate when connecting with people.

  • Pick up a creative hobby.

  • Spend time in nature.

  • Tune into your emotions.

  • Have fun!

What are your thoughts on this age of femininity?

Lots of love,



Embracing Discomfort


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