Who is Iðunn?

When I was deciding on a name for my coaching business, I knew I wanted to use the name of a Norse goddess for two reasons. Firstly, since I am focused on femininity and the shared power we as women hold, I wanted to reference the goddess. Secondly, I am Swedish and an admirer of Norse mythology. During my research, I found Iðunn, known as “The Rejuvenating One”, and I immediately felt connected to her. According to Britannica, she “was the keeper of the magic apples of immortality, which the gods must eat to preserve their youth”[1]. While the Old Norse word epli, means any fruit or nut, most modern depictions of Iðunn use apples. “Whatever species Idun’s produce belongs to, its ability to sustain the immortality of the gods and goddesses makes Idun an indispensable presence in Asgard”[2]. This emphasis on youth and immortality and the gods’ dependence on her intrigued me. Each and every one of us has unique gifts to offer, and while they may not literally offer immortality, the world depends on them to make a difference.

Iðunn “is depicted as a summery maiden goddess adorned with blossoms, bearing fruit, and tending her gardens” and “is a goddess of youth, newness, renewal and vitality”[3]. As someone who promotes lifelong personal growth, a connection to the earth and nature, and bringing out our innate beauty, I felt connected to Iðunn in this way. I believe it’s important as women to feel a connection to our goddess selves and to appreciate the power of feminine energy. For me, I feel most connected in the mossy forests of Sweden, picking berries and mushrooms and thanking Mother Earth for her gifts. I find it puts things into perspective for me – my worries fade away when I admire the intricate and beautiful complexities of the earth and all the living things that reside upon it. I encourage you, however, to find where you feel most connected to the goddess within - where you feel at peace and are appreciative, thoughtful, and loving. Whether it be by the ocean, in a city, in the mountains, or anything in between, cherish this knowledge. I encourage you to research goddesses related to your place of choice and call upon their strength when you need it. We are not in this alone, and it is our responsibility to continue the rise of feminine energy both externally and internally. I’d like to make a side note here: feminine energy does not necessarily correspond to society’s definition of femininity, nor does it pertain to a person’s sex. Rather, feminine energy is about creativity, intuition, empathy, transformation, going with the flow, and enjoyment. Appreciating and connecting to your goddess self will help you to raise your feminine energy.

I would love to hear from you about which goddess you relate to most and how you connect to your feminine energy!

Lots of love,



The Wise Mind


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