Using the VARK Learning Styles to Your Advantage

Every day is an opportunity to learn something new. Self-growth and knowledge are two of my top values but the first step is to learn how you learn. I’ve been quite lucky because my main learning style by far is reading/writing, which is the standard for most schools in the United States; however, there are many people who have different learning styles that may not have been encouraged in an academic setting, leading to frustration and self-doubt. Learning should be fun, so get creative with what works for you.

There are many types of learning styles out there, but I personally prefer the VARK model because it’s not too overwhelming. They offer a quiz you can take to discover your primary learning style and tons of tips for each one. I encourage you, however, to explore other styles as well, particularly if VARK does not resonate with you.

VARK stands for Visual, Auditory, Reading/Writing, and Kinesthetic. Let’s dive deeper into each.


  • Prefer graphic depictions, diagrams, and symbols.

  • Benefit from using different colors and layouts.

  • Enjoy picturesque and colorful language and gestures.

  • Learn by seeing the big picture.


  • Learn best when information is presented vocally.

  • Benefit from discussing information with others.

  • Can get distracted by background noise and by silence.

  • Learn by talking things through, even if that's self-talk.


  • Learn best when information is text-heavy.

  • Benefit from taking notes and making lists.

  • Do well with repetition and re-writing notes.

  • Learn by going into detail, then focusing on key concepts.


  • Learn best by doing and demonstrations.

  • Prefer thinking realistically and concretely than abstractly.

  • Benefit from moving around while studying.

  • Learn by experiencing or applying the information.

Does one of these in particular jump out at you? Or can you relate to each one in some way? I had a client who was even across the board, allowing her to be even more creative with each opportunity to learn. No matter your learning style, take advantage of this awareness and fall in love with learning.

Lots of love,



The Age of Femininity


STOPP and Breathe