Meet Your Coach

Quick Facts

My name is Andrea Betsill (pronounced Ahn-dray-uh)

My nickname is Dre

I was born in Stockholm, Sweden

I currently live outside Philadelphia, although we’re planning a move back to Sweden once COVID has settled down

My zodiac sign is Taurus sun, Scorpio moon, and Cancer rising

My siblings are 1 sister, 3 step-brothers, 1 step-sister, 1 half brother, 1 half sister

My pets are 2 cats (Floki and Freyja)

My dream travel destination is Tokyo, Japan


Music genre: Classic rock

Food: Sushi or pizza

Hobby: Sewing and embroidery

Movie: Wayne’s World

Book: The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss

Snack: Popcorn

This or That

Tea / Coffee

City / Nature

Mountains / Beach

Go out / Stay in

Comedy / Drama

Plan it / Wing it

Feel free to add your answers in the comments or in an email!

Hi! I’m so happy you’re here.

When I graduated from Temple University in August 2020, the world was in a much different state than I had planned on. COVID-19 forced me to reassess my goals and my career path, and it led to a transition from wanting to pursue medicine as a Physician Assistant to wanting to be a life coach. I realized that my desire to work with patients was less about treating their physical body and more about connecting to their mental and emotional selves and improving their lives from the inside out. The world is begging for a shift in consciousness, and I want to help raise it. As I was considering my niche and ideal client, I quickly realized that there was an untapped market in helping young women transition from high school to college that wasn’t only focused on academics/career goals or wasn’t embarrassingly trying to be relatable (you will never hear me say “on fleek”). Being able to build life-long healthy skills that impact all aspects of yourself, including your thoughts, emotions, and actions at an early age is key to not only having a successful and enjoyable college experience but life as well.

My own transition was especially difficult. I went straight from high school to Boston University, double majoring in Psychology and Neuroscience. I was wholly unprepared for this change; for the first time ever I was failing my classes, I gained about 15 lbs, I was partying a lot, and I felt terrible. I dropped out after 2 months. It was a terrifying decision to make but I knew that I was quickly spiraling out of control and that I was not going to be able to get better in that environment. After spending some time at home with my mom and step-dad, I moved to Phoenix, Arizona to attend the Southwest Institute of Healing Arts. I had never explored alternative medicine or spirituality before, but I felt I needed a drastic change. Alone, with just my clothes, books, and records, I ventured out into this unknown world. I studied massage therapy, reiki, and hypnotherapy. It was an incredible and healing experience - not to mention I was getting massages every week. It broadened my perspective significantly, and I was able to grow as a person. After 2 years I was finally ready to go back to college. I knew I wanted to get my undergraduate degree, and I was eager to get back into the scientific world, bridging my desire for knowledge and newfound spirituality together. I had been doing long distance with my boyfriend, Zachary, from high school who was at the University of Vermont, and we both elected to transfer to Temple University and get an apartment in Fishtown in Philadelphia. This time, I was much more prepared to attend college, and I was extremely grateful for my education. I was getting straight A’s, losing weight, and feeling great.

My goal is to get you to that final point without feeling the need to drop out or having an existential crisis. I believe that sustainable change comes from within, but it’s not possible to do so alone. At a young age, it can be hard to talk with the people around you without them wanting to give advice or having an agenda for what they think is best for you. That’s why coaching is so special: you have all the answers, I just help you find them. I fully support and believe in you - let’s do this together.

Lots of love,



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