The Power of Intentions

Having intention means being consciously aware of your desired outcome. You must be clear on what it is you want and what you seek in order to obtain it. Ask and you shall receive.

Being intentional is a way of life. It means living life purposefully and working towards your goals. It also means you’re aware of your why. Knowing your why for anything that you do is crucial in being intentional. It keeps you motivated and makes your dreams more attainable. It forces you to live consciously rather than floating through life aimlessly.

For example, let’s say you’re in college. Why are you there? To conform to society’s expectations? To seek knowledge? To build the foundation for your career? To meet new people and see new places? Each of these will lead to different outcomes. Knowing your why will guide you through the journey. It’s also especially helpful to keep this in mind when it comes to things like finals week and you’re feeling overwhelmed.

This goes further when it comes to existential questions. Why are you on earth? Why are we here? We’ll never truly know the answer but I encourage you to come up with your own. I believe I am here to raise the earth’s consciousness and empower people to be more purposeful and compassionate. Everything I do is aligned with my why. I remind myself of it when things get tough and I feel discouraged. I am able to accomplish my goals because I am clear on my intentions. What is yours?

I challenge you to journal today about your why. Write a list of at least 5 ways you want to impact the world. Look for patterns and come up with a statement that you can recall whenever you need that extra boost of motivation. If you need help creating this statement, please reach out to me through my Instagram or email. I am always happy to support you.

Lots of love,



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