Life Assets and Liabilities

Simply put, life assets are things you want to add to your life and life liabilities are things you need to remove from your life. Assets improve you, give you purpose, bring you joy, and enhance your life. Liabilities, on the other hand, drain you, detract from your life, bring stress and sadness, and are detrimental to you.

Examining your life assets and liabilities can be a very powerful exercise in taking a step back and reflecting on how balanced your life is and how much you prioritize assets over liabilities. Some areas to consider are the people in your life, habits, attitudes, activities, skills, emotions, traits, and health. I encourage you to spend some time listing your assets and liabilities in these areas and any other ones that may come to you. You could even make a chart comparing the two columns and see where there may be any imbalances. Consider how you can put more energy into your assets and avoid your liabilities.

Let me know if you have any questions!

Lots of love,



The ABCDE Model


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