Do you want to

Live the life of your dreams

while building self-confidence and gaining the clarity you seek?


Find your life purpose, uncover your ultimate potential, and create the action plans needed to execute your dreams in 6 weeks

o   Create a life purpose statement

o   Tap into your unconscious through hypnotherapy

o   Be held accountable for executing your goals

o   Build self-confidence and self-belief

Are you…

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And you want to…

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Cue… The Find Your Purpose SELF Method

o   Six 1-hour 1:1 coaching sessions

o   One hypnotherapy session

o   Weekly activities for accountability

o   Life purpose statement

o   Find the answers within

The Six Phases


1. Self-discovery

Dive deep into who you are and what makes you unique. We’ll discuss your values and you’ll gain valuable insights into what matters most to you.

2. Self-love

Learn how to love yourself and embrace your whole being. We’ll work on how you talk to yourself and shift your mindset to be more positive and empowering. We’ll uncover what may be holding you back from fully stepping into your power.

3. Self-care

Establish boundaries and ways to protect your energy and time. Discover what self-care looks like for you and create personal positive affirmations.

4. Self-awareness

Expand your intuition and use visualization to define your ideal life and ideal self. Use hypnotherapy to tap into your unconscious and find out what your purpose is. Create a life purpose statement that will guide you.

5. Self-purpose

Bring the inner work you’ve done to the world and create action plans to execute your goals. Figure out the next step and how to actually share your gifts with the world.

6. Self-support

Go over everything you’ve gained and create a toolbox of skills and practices you can take with you on your journey. Establish ways to overcome stress and fear.

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Your Coach… Andrea Betsill

I use life coaching, hypnotherapy, and cognitive behavioral therapy to guide my clients to the clarity and direction they seek.

A few years ago, I was in a dark place, feeling lost and scared. I didn’t know what I wanted to do with my life. I dropped out of university and moved to Arizona to attend a healing arts school, studying massage, reiki, and hypnotherapy. I spent two years soul-searching and healing and found my purpose in supporting the healing of others.

I decided to take a traditional route that would lead to the most job security and went back to school to become a doctor. When I graduated, however, I still felt misaligned in my purpose. I wasn’t taking into account my values, self-care, and intuition. I realized I had a choice in how I wanted to fulfill my purpose, so I took the risk and instead of going to medical school, I joined a coaching program and started my own business. I haven’t looked back since.

I now wake up every day feeling fulfilled, purposeful, confident, and happy - a complete 180 from where I was previously. Helping others on their journey to living their ideal life is what brings me joy.

It is never too early or too late to live the life of your dreams.


"My overall experience was amazing! Andrea gave me such helpful insight throughout the 6 weeks of the program. She was gentle, kind, and extremely supportive while still holding me accountable. I feel empowered, confident, and have a great set of tools to bring with me on my journey. The program really made me dig deeper within myself to find answers and guidance, which is exactly what I needed!

Andrea was so supportive throughout the entire program and gave me space to think for myself and create my own definitions of what things mean to me; she was there to give insight when needed but really encouraged me to figure out what was best for me, even if it was difficult. All of the worksheets that she created were so helpful and really aligned with what we were talking about each week, I now also have those resources to look back on when I need them. Andrea really helped me manipulate my negative mindsets into positive ones and gave me the tools to reinforce those mindsets so that they come more natural to me now. Also, the hypnotherapy session that we did was amazing; I highly recommend going to Andrea if you're looking into hypnotherapy or coaching!”

— Alex Zahn

What’s next?

Book a FREE 1:1 consultation to see how this program can impact your life.

You’ve got nothing to lose.